A downloadable game

Nightmare Unleashed is a one-page horror RPG. Each of your character's traits is on a death spiral. Using human traits slowly depletes them. Using monstrous traits slowly increases them. Survive a tale of horror before you run out of humanity, or you become a little too monstrous...

Art by Plasmophage


Nightmare_Unleashed_Web.pdf 6.7 MB
Nightmare_Unleashed_Print.pdf 5 MB

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This is a tabletop role-playing game. The PDF contains rules that you and your friends can use to play characters in a tale of horror. You can find examples of people playing ttrpgs on most social media and content-sharing platforms.


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This is really cool. I like the system a lot. Would you mind if I made a hack of this?

Feel free to hack! All my work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution License, so you can do anything you like with it, even sell your hack for money, as long as you credit the original.

If you let me know when you release your hack, I'll even share it around my own network. Well, if I like it. But I like a lot of RPGs.

Hey, took me a while but I released a game called Hunters Unleashed based on the nightmare unleashed - sorry for just leaving a comment, I did not know how else to contact you.


That's really exciting! I'll go check it out.

You can also contact me at lymerpg@gmail.com and at https://dice.camp/@Lyme

One request - could you credit Nightmare Unleashed as by myself and Plasmophage? On a one-page game like this the art/layout are a big deal and very tied into how the final words came out.

(1 edit)

Absolutely, no problem at all.

*Edit: Alright added it to PDF and Store page :)

I’m not entirely sure I understand how to play. I roll a d100 against 1 trait (2 dice rolls?) maybe I’m misreading the instructions.

Just one roll - if the number that comes up on the d100 is lower than the trait, you succeed, and if the number on the d100 is higher than the trait, you fail.

but how do I know what the trait number is? ie. Hope number 1 says (-1d6 / -1d10) I don’t see a number to compare my d100 to.

Your human traits start at the number you set them at when spending your 150 points, and decrease every time they are rolled.
Your monstrous traits start at 0, and increase every time they are rolled.
-1d6 / -1d10 is the amount your Hope will decline on a successful or a failed roll.